Friday, March 25, 2011

Day Five- Still Alive!

So, here we are in the middle of day five with no sugar. Aside from the PMS everything is just great. I mean... no one ever craves sugary crunchy danish-y cookie-y chocolate-y treats when their hormones start doing their monthly boogie, do they? Oh, right. YES THEY DO. Really do.

What is it about quitting something that makes that something appear, unbidden, constantly? At work this week there has been extra dessert out the wazoo. A giant box filled with chocolate cake. Key lime pie. More cake. A whole bag of Starburst jelly beans hiding unnoticed on top of the shelf in the kitchen. I almost caved yesterday in the baked goods section of Whole Foods- flaky chocolate croissant anyone? ME!!!! Pick ME!!!!

I got these wheat free fig things that are not chocolate chip cookies. (chocolate. chip. cookie. mmmmm.) They're helping. A lot. Some. Also a smoothie in the afternoon has been a tasty treat- banana, spinach, dark berries, hemp protein, hemp milk. (I don't eat dairy either- but another time/blog for that.) Some coconut milk is yummy in there too. This is helping me not be crazy. That and some blended strawberries and banana that I froze sort of like ice cream. (mmmmmm. ice cream...)

I felt great for the first three days, then yesterday got an all day mild headache, which has continued into today.  I'm optimisitc that by this time next week the mood swings will be less- it's hard to tell if I'm irritable due to lack of sugar or gearing up for my monthly bill. I should have never said "give up sugar" out loud where my ovaries could hear. Here comes the weekend. Hopefully Monday morning there won't be a sign in the front yard: "For Sale. One sugar-free wife and mother. $25.00 FREE."


  1. Oh come on now, you're worth more than $25.00. We love you and your sugar free routine! I think you're doing great!

  2. All I gotta say is: Your mood swings better be much improved by April 21st! XOXOX
